Inclusion Policy
Our Aim
GEMS WSR Inclusion/Enrichment Centre aims to create a nurturing and positive learning environment where each student has easy access to quality education that will help them in becoming independent, valued, competent and skilled members of the school as well as the wider community.
Our Objectives
- To help every child realise their full potential, despite their limitations, whether academic, physical, social & psychological
- To advocate an inclusive environment wherein all learners have equal opportunities in accessing the general curriculum with proper supplementary aids and services given to students with additional learning needs
- To raise attainment and progress for all students, regardless of their background, needs & disabilities
A Graduated Approach to SEN Provision
Waves of Intervention
Wave 1 (High-Quality Teaching First)
Universal Lesson Provision - a classroom teacher response to a student’s learning needs. This includes providing differentiated work and creating an inclusive learning environment. ILP (Individual Learning Program) is needed to measure the child’s ongoing progress.
Wave 2 (Additional Support e.g. Targeted work for the particular group)
Beyond Lesson Provision – Students in wave 2 are expected to catch up with their peers as a result of a specific class intervention. Therefore more support is needed & this could take the form of withdrawal in groups/individual or LSA/TA will work with them in the class.
Wave 3 (Specialist individualized intervention Support)
External Support Provision - This may involve external assessment from the educational psychologist and associated therapist and will require an IEP(Individualized Educational Program). Special educators support will be clearly visible for these students.