Poem: The Rare Night
Written By: Priya Kumar, 5G1
I have loved reading and writing poems since I was young. My dad told me that I started writing poems when I was in KG1. At school, the English lessons with poetry writing are really interesting, and I have been learning to write different kinds of poems such as Haiku, Tanka, Shape poetry, Acrostic, and free verse. I especially love poems that rhyme. Over time, I have had great fun writing rhyming poems!
(The Rare Night)
The flowers were dancing,
The animals were prancing,
The trees were high up in the sky,
The leaves were glowing green! Oh my, oh my.
The wind in my hair gave me a smile
That I never wear.
The little star gave me a wink,
I gave it back a blink.
The sounds of the owls
And the tiger’s ferocious growls…
What a night it has been!
I can't believe what I've seen!